Precast concrete use becoming very popular day by day due to many advantages over other types and technologies. RCC Precast compound wall is the most popular part of Precast technologies in India. this types of walls are known as many other names in India like, Precast Wall, RCC Wall, Cement Boundary Walls, Prestressed Compound Wall, Readymade Boundary Walls, Folding compound Walls and more..
Because of many advantages over brick and other traditional walls, Precast compound walls become very popular in India. Precast compound walls design is very attractive compared to other any types of wall as well as cost of Precast compound walls attract customers more and more. because it saves approximate 50% project cost compared to brick walls and any other types of walls.
Brick boundary wall construction cost in India is cost likely Rs 300 per square foot with material, labour charge and other charges where Precast compound wall cost per square foot is Rs. 80 to 100 with transportation, material and labour charges.